[AUUG-Talk]: Re: Wording of ballot

Peter Wishart Peter.Wishart at canb.auug.org.au
Sun Jan 20 15:39:01 EST 2008

Some context for my responses below ... I am now on the board. I joined 
at the AGM specifically to help continue AUUG (in some form).

I applaud the continuing board members for not just walking away.  But I 
recognise that they have been carrying AUUG on behalf of an extremely 
dis-interested community (including all the people who are committed 
non-members) for sometime.

All responses below are my personal opinion, I do not speak for the 
entire board on any of these issues.

Greg 'groggy' Lehey said the following on 20/01/2008 2:28 PM:
> On Sunday, 20 January 2008 at 11:35:02 +1100, Peter Wishart wrote:
>> The ballot has not been issued yet.  The wording of the ballot is
>> still be discussed by the board.
> Peter M makes a valid point that you're late.

I am well aware of that.  The board is working on it.

> I'd strongly suggest that such discussions should include the
> alternative of polling the many ex-members, like myself, who would be
> more than happy to continue running AUUG if the membership fees were
> abolished.

> It's clear that it's completely within the rights of the board to
> restrict participation in the ballot to current members, and that
> currently you need to pay $125 to be a member.  But that's missing the
> point: it's my contention, and that of others, that it's exactly this
> $125, for which you get effectively nothing, that is killing AUUG.  

I encourage such a discussion and active polling of those who may be 
interested.   What we need is a volunteer to organise the polling. 
Don't wait for the board to do it.  I would be happy to take the results 
to board (assuming that is needed or relevant).  I doubt very much that 
we would find resistance to a handover to an energetic committed well 
organised group of people who want to carry AUUG forward.

But I do not see this as part of the ballot which was required from the 
AGM.  That needs to be only for members and to be specific to the motion 
passed, which was whether or not to dissolve.   As you have note, we are 
already late in meeting that requirement.  More discussion on possible 
options etc will only make it later.

> In particular, there are four possible outcomes:
> ...
> 3: AUUG continues as a non-fee-paying organization.
> 4: AUUG folds.
> It's point (3) that can't really be decided by the current membership.

I agree.  But there is also no need for anyone to wait for the current 
membership or the current board to do something about this.   Start 
organising to make it happen.

> (4) is, of course, the same as (2) except for the people who decide
> it; and clearly it's still a possibility.  But it's possibility (3)
> that I see as the most promising.  I'd strongly encourage the board to
> at least have a second ballot, for non-members, to indicate whether
> they'd support it.

My strong advice is not to wait for the board to do anything.

Peter Wishart
Peter.Wishart at canb.auug.org.au	Phone: +61-417-669-516

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