[AUUG-Talk]: Re: What happened to CAUUG's money?

Michael Still mikal at stillhq.com
Sat Jan 19 16:46:34 EST 2008

Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote:

> - CAUUG (really the ACT chapter of AUUG) did not exist as a separate
>   *financial* entity.  To do so would have involved us in reporting
>   issues that would have been quite painful.
> - The monies thus belonged to AUUG, though the board acknowledged that
>   the money should go back to CAUUG when necessary.
> - CAUUG wasn't actually doing anything at the time.  I seem to recall
>   your (Steve J) intention to spend some money on newspaper ads.  The
>   board felt that this was not an appropriate way to spend the money.
> Nobody was happy with the situation, least of all the ACT people
> involved, but I got the feeling that they grudgingly accepted it.

IIRC, Robert Edwards arranged the actual transfer of the money (and
therefore might have a better recollection of the details), Martin
Schwenke was the CAUUG president at the time.

Again IIRC, the agreement was that AUUG national (for want of a better
term) would hold the money for CAUUG, as CAUUG didn't want to do its own
tax returns and accounting, as well as possible issues related to not
being incorporated in its own right. This was standardized for all of
the other chapters as well, but none of them had any assets to speak of.

However, AUUG national agreed that the money was CAUUGs, and should be
reserved for the Canberra chapter's use.


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