[AUUG-Talk]: Re: What happened to CAUUG's money?

steve jenkin sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au
Sat Jan 19 18:38:07 EST 2008

Greg 'groggy' Lehey wrote on 19/1/08 4:33 PM:
> - CAUUG (really the ACT chapter of AUUG) did not exist as a separate
>   *financial* entity.  To do so would have involved us in reporting
>   issues that would have been quite painful.

This is *incorrect*. CAUUG was financially & organisationally
independent, though associated with AUUG. It was run locally as an
unincorporated Association [hence the bank account + local signatories]

CAUUG had its own management structure, own bank accounts with
signatories and ran its own show for many years *quite* independently of
AUUG. It was notionally was a chapter of AUUG, but acted quite
independently, was self-funded and organised and ran very successful
events & projects.

Membership of CAUUG was *not* limited to AUUG members. It was a far
wider church - encompassing most/all of the people who founded CLUG or
worked in Unix around town.

With Karl Auer leading, cica 1994/5, the PC Users Group and CAUUG setup
"TIP" - The Internet Project. It was one of the first ISP's in Canberra
(if not the first).  The operation had turnover in the $100,000's and at
its peak, the PCUG had over $100,000 in surplus in the TIP accounts.
[Stephen R. will knows the history]  SUN & CISCO provided hardware - not
sure on what basis.

TIP is still running & Unix people, like Stephen Rothwell, are still
administering it.

I was on the CAUUG committee that decided to transfer the bank account
to AUUG because the bank was insisting on an ABN... *We* approached the
AUUG board AFAIK.  I never heard of the board requesting us for the
consolidation. Perhaps it was our move that precipitated the rest.

Steve Jenkin, Info Tech, Systems and Design Specialist.
0412 786 915 (+61 412 786 915)
PO Box 48, Kippax ACT 2615, AUSTRALIA

sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au http://members.tip.net.au/~sjenkin

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