[AUUG-Talk]: ACA says that Anti-spam laws are working...

John Dalton John.Dalton at varrqnuht.net
Fri Jul 23 12:00:53 EST 2004

David Purdue wrote:

> According to The Age 
> (http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/07/22/1090464779848.html) the 
> Australian Communications Authority says that the new Anti-Spam laws 
> have dramatically reduced the amount of spam we are all recevining.
> Has anyone noticed?

To be fair to the article, it doesn't actually say that.  It says 
there's been a dramatic reduction in spam sent by Australian 
operators.  This is probably true, but has very little real effect as 
spam originating here was always nothing more than a drop in the ocean.

The spam problem is getting worse daily for me.  In my personal mail 
account I currently have 868 messages filtered as spam since about 
midday yesterday.  I've deleted somewhere around another 250 by hand.

Mine is not a typical scenario in that I have a domain with a catchall 
email address arriving in that account, plus a chain of old email 
addresses going back several years which are all still eventually 
redirected to me.

But certainly it's reached the point where it's vastly decreased the 
usability of email for me.  I'm planning to kill off all those old 
addresses, then start using signed messages and a whitelist to filter 
mail I want while treating everything else as suspect to begin with.

That's fine for me, but not much use for my mum unless I want to start 
managing her email for her too.

John Dalton

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