[Talk] Re: Reminder: Discussion of AUUG futures on auug-talkmailing list

Daniel O'Connor darius at dons.net.au
Mon Jul 8 17:22:20 EST 2002

On Mon, 2002-07-08 at 16:25, David Lloyd wrote:
> > 1 freebsd-chat equivalent list is enough for me..
> We all have our tolerance levels; I tend to be able to cope with
> hundreds of e-mails per day. If you get the feel for a list, you can
> tell how sensible an e-mail is by just looking at the subject and one or
> two lines of it.

Yeah I already get hundreds.. They all get filed away but I would prefer
not to have to do crap filtering on the list if possible :)

> You'd probably want to be a little more friendly but it's not impossible
> as you seem to suggest...

I think you misunderstood me :)

I said it is possible to unsubscribe people later on if the list becomes
popular and it is decided that having a members only section would be a
good idea (ie if it was large enough).

It is my feeling that if the list grows then membership would grow but I
don't have any hard evidence.

I don't see a problem with opening the list membership at the moment as
the list itself is basically useless and will continue to do so until a
decent community is on it. Perhaps the people on the list will join AUUG
to get more out of it that just the list too.

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
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