[Talk] Re: Reminder: Discussion of AUUG futures on auug-talkmailing list

David Lloyd lloy0076 at rebel.net.au
Mon Jul 8 16:55:45 EST 2002


> 1 freebsd-chat equivalent list is enough for me..

We all have our tolerance levels; I tend to be able to cope with
hundreds of e-mails per day. If you get the feel for a list, you can
tell how sensible an e-mail is by just looking at the subject and one or
two lines of it.

> I think the over division of lists is a killer - I believe that having
> one list and then splitting it if necessary is way better than having
> many well defined lists with not much happening in each one.


> It's not like you can change the list charter to be members only later
> if it proves to be popular as well :)

The steps are reasonably simple:

1) Make said policy decision
2) Contact busmgr at auug.org.au
3) Do the following pseudo-code:

while (shift @members) {
	unless ($_ isa auug_member) {

You'd probably want to be a little more friendly but it's not impossible
as you seem to suggest...

And Ptah begat the thought and the word
 And by these thoughts and words
 Atum, mighty God, created the world from the void!
 [An interpretation of the Memphite Creation myphs]

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