[Talk] Re: Reminder: Discussion of AUUG futures on auug-talk mailing list

David Lloyd lloy0076 at rebel.net.au
Mon Jul 8 17:35:36 EST 2002


> JOOI, how do you confirm membership?

For the local chapter list, I generally ask the people; if the people
say they're not members then in the past I've talked to the executive
who decided that only non-members can join.

> > In my opinion, this "closed mailing list" -- that is open to only paid
> > up AUUG members -- is self-defeatist. People can join other mailing
> > lists free of charge and talk about unix until they have nothing else to
> > say, so why pay to join one of AUUG's?
> talk at auug.org.au is not a closed mailing list.

Oh...then maybe we should advertise it more?

> Well, the chicken is called Liz Carroll, and she adds people to
> auug-announce@ (not announce@) when they join, unless they
> specifically ask not to, so they would have to know about it.

Seems like the way to go...but I didn't know that Henny Penny had a name
change (lol at me).

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