[Cook] Unexpected Feature with "forced dependencies"

Meikel Brandmeyer mb-cook at kotka.de
Tue Nov 27 10:08:27 EST 2007


> Meikel, can you provide more detail on the error?
That's something bugging me... It is somehow hard to get sane error
messages from cook. Eg. I sometimes get something like "recursive
include" meaning I added a ';' at the wrong place...


I wrote a small show-the-problem example, which is reduced to the
minimum to show the problem. Extract the tar file and execute "cook" in
the resulting directory. You will get the error. Execute "cook
a/liba.a" and the (previously non-buildable) library gets built. Uhh
magic. Execute "cook clean" and remove the comments around the second
library recipe in Howto.cook. Execute "cook" and -- voila -- it

> On the side, I am starting down a similar path. I've used the format
> from the user's guide (for example
> http://svn.nftm.org/nftm/trunk/Howto.cook ) but for a new project I
> need to have cook automatically detect new modules and link them in.
> I'm probably going to use a shell script as a wrapper to generate the
> _dep files prior to calling cook. I'd be interested if you found a
> native cook method to do so.
The main design goal for my set of cookbooks is flexibility with
minimum maintenance. The project consists of modules. Modules are
basically sub-directories containing the source code for the given
module. Each module has a type. The module may be moved around in the
source tree as you like. But this should be done only initially,
otherwise you get problems with the manifest files. Any kind of flags
may be defined on project, module, directory or even file level. Any
module may depend on other modules. (The effects of that, actually
depend on the type of the modules.)

Currently only C is implemented, but I worked also on some OCaml
recipes, which is not really fun so to say... The C part is completely
functional though (including any automatic dependency calculation for
the C sources).

In case that you are interested, you can find the "Plan to throw one
away"-part of the project on my site, but it is really crappy... Give
me a day or two to put up the current re-write, which is really an


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