[Cook] Unexpected Feature with "forced dependencies"

Meikel Brandmeyer mb-cook at kotka.de
Thu Nov 29 08:18:14 EST 2007


> > On the side, I am starting down a similar path. I've used the format
> > from the user's guide (for example
> > http://svn.nftm.org/nftm/trunk/Howto.cook ) but for a new project I
> > need to have cook automatically detect new modules and link them in.
> > I'm probably going to use a shell script as a wrapper to generate
> > the _dep files prior to calling cook. I'd be interested if you
> > found a native cook method to do so.
> In case that you are interested, you can find the "Plan to throw one
> away"-part of the project on my site, but it is really crappy... Give
> me a day or two to put up the current re-write, which is really an
> improvement.
I set up a trac for Cookbooks at http://kotka.de/cookbooks. There the
most recent version is checked-in in a mercurial repository.

I'm currently trying to adapt Cookbooks to your project, but I ran into
some problems. Since you use lemon, the normal "one cook" flow does not
work. The problem is, that lemon is written in C and it is needed to
create C files, which in turn are used for the dependency calculation.
But the dependency information is needed for building lemon....

One (seemingly easy) possibility is to do an opaque recursive build of
lemon, but that introduces other problems. How do I get information
back into the parent cook? etc.

The best way however would be to extract the dependency information
from the (lex, yacc,) lemon, ... files. Then lemon could be compiled and
we would have a "one cook" flow again. Lex and Yacc are basically not
any different to lemon (in cook's point of view), however they are
already compiled and therefor can be used for creating the C files
before the dependency calculation is done.

Referring to your original message: The only pre-requisites for adding
something to a project using the current Cookbooks-system is a
modulerc file, which defines the contents of the module.

In case you want to test Cookbooks, I'd happily support you and I'd
appreciate any feedback. But please be aware, that the functionality is
still very elementary. Things like "install" and "clean" are still
suboptimal. Also the robustness is not ready for production, yet.



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