Samba-3 - 1 day seminar

Elizabeth Carroll busmgr at
Thu Mar 11 15:17:09 EST 2004

Many of you will recall John Terpstra of the Samba Team.  

He's currently doing a series of seminars worldwide.  He'll
be in Australia in May and we're planning to do a series of
seminars in various States (and possibly Territory Capitals;
we're thinking of 3 or 4).  Please see the attached mock-up 
of a poster.

To plan the seminar, I'd like to ask those interested in
attending the seminar:

1) Where would you prefer to attend the seminar?
2) Where else would you attend it if (1) didn't happen?
3) What time of the week would be convenient?

Would appreciate your responses asap so planning
can begin.

Liz Carroll
AUUG Business Manager
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