Voting/board membership Re: [AUUG-Talk]: Re: Don't close AUUG down!

Kevin Dawson kevind at
Tue Dec 11 14:10:55 EST 2007

On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 12:18:30PM +1030, David Newall wrote:
> Adrian Close wrote:
> >
> >My reading suggests that Associate members are not "voting members" 
> >and as such, are not eligible for board membership.
> I don't see any requirement for Officers or Committee Members (to use 
> the prescribed terms) to be *voting* members.  True, Associates can't 
> vote at General meetings, but I think they can sit on the Committee.

The 2005 changes are at

In the section for Associate members, there is now a list of those
eligible to vote, notably missing the new class.  In the constitution
proper, 21.2 says the nominee must be a financial voting member.

> Sorry to press the point: Were those changes actually sent in a postal 
> ballot?  The 2005 Returning Officer would be the person to confirm 
> this.  Who was it?  Can we have an authoritative answer?

The authoritative answer within AUUG will be the minutes of the meeting
that recorded the results of the postal ballot, although a comment at
the top of the changes document says they were voted on and approved
at the same time as the 2005 election.

> In the absence 
> of that, and in view of the fact that the Constitution published on the 
> web does not incorporate those changes, I think that the published 
> Constitution must stand.

The Constitution lodged with the Registrar of Incorporated Associations
will be the version that counts.  Sure, our web representation of the
current state of affairs is somewhat messy, but surely an ogre can fix
it (that, BTW, is meant to be slightly humorous positive encouragement).

Keep the discussion going - it's all good,

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