[Talk] EducationaLinux 2004 - Adelaide (Announce)

David Lloyd lloy0076 at adam.com.au
Sun Jun 8 16:44:26 EST 2003

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= http://educationalinux.adam.com.au/ =

EducationaLinux 2004, Australia's second open source educational
conference, will be held in Adelaide on January 12 and 13 (2004).

This conference presents an opportunity for anyone who is a part
of the education system to get together, share ideas and network with
other like-minded individuals using or promoting open source in

It's a great chance  for like-minded educators, students and
trainers who are using open source in their institutions to come
together and share their ideas and progress with each other.

Because EducationaLinux 2004 is a mini-conference of Linux.Conf.Au 2004,
you need to register for LCA 2004 to be able to attend. If you visit:

 * http://lca2004.linux.org.au/

Instructions for registration, accomodation and other useful information
can be found there. Once you've registered e-mail David Lloyd
<lloy0076 at adam.com.au> to make sure we have a conference pack ready for

We can already confirm there will be an onsite visit to the Adelaide
Institute of TAFE, led by Steve Donaldson (Principal Lecturer IT)
preceded by a light luncheon. Kathryn Moyle (Dept. of Education and
Children's Services) and Matthew Geddes who has administered a private
school network of more than 300 mixed-os computers will both be
presenting a paper.

For more information contact David Lloyd <lloy0076 at adam.com.au>; a call
for additional papers will be sent very soon now.

= http://educationalinux.adam.com.au/ =

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