[Talk] intro

Edwin Groothuis edwin at mavetju.org
Wed Jul 31 21:00:13 EST 2002


Just a small message as introduction. I'm originally from the
Netherlands and like it seems I will be for the rest of my life in
Australia (this is for a good reason :-). In .nl I was working at
the intranet department of Philips C&P (later known as Origin and
now Atos Origin). Right now I'm working parttime for Nominum (aka
the makers of Bind) and Barnet (an ISP in Sydney).

Right now I have a hard time coping with the fact that I'm going
to the SAGE-conference and not the AUUG-conference. Up to a couple
of weeks ago I thought it were the same ones, but I found out that
one was in September and one in August. Talking about total confusion!
It's a little bit sad, since I have done a lot in system monitoring
and logfile processing (http://www.logreport.org is one of my former
projects) but I'll live with it. Next time please one conference
in April and one in October, not two in a month in the same city
on the other side of the country(*) :-)

(*) I'm spoiled, the European SANE conferences (and the one before
    it) where always about within two hours driving from the place
    I was living.

Anyway, I'm looking forward the next years conference :-)
In the meantime if you're up for it, please visit my website at
http://www.mavetju.org to find out who I am and what I do.

Hope to have a good time here,

Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website: http://www.MavEtJu.org
edwin at mavetju.org    |    Weblog: http://www.mavetju.org/weblog/weblog.php 
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