[Cook] Progress characters

Greg McIntyre greg.mcintyre at symbionetworks.com
Fri Oct 8 13:30:23 EST 2004

I remember reading in some sort of cook manual or configuration file
what these characters mean: #*+- which get printed across the screen
during parsing and dependancy building. But now I cannot for the life of
me find the definitions again!

I ask because we've been having some problems with cook, where it will
sit there slowly printing '-' characters or '#' characters for a very
long time, burning up processor, then finally resolve itself and
continue happily. I've no idea what's going on. It does not seem to have
any rhyme or reason; it happens infrequently and apparently without
having changed the .cook files we use, it goes away again.

How should I go about diagnosing the problem? The next time it happens,
what commands can I run to get a better idea of what's going on under
the bonnet? Differential diagnosis, anybody?


Greg McIntyre                Email : greg at symbionetworks.com
Software Engineer            Phone :         +61 2 9994 8572
Symbio Networks Pty Ltd      Mobile:            0410 276 442

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