[Cook] Cook 2.25 build process

Aryeh M. Friedman aryeh at m-net.arbornet.org
Tue Nov 16 11:33:32 EST 2004

> I'm upgrading and just realized that 2.25 doesn't come with a Howto.cook file. Thinking back, I can't recall any release that ever did. Other than time/money/space, is there a reason that it isn't included? I'm not harping or anything, though I'd find it very interesting to see how a real package is built with cook. Would autoconf have to be modified to support creating a cook file? Or would it be as simple as running make2cook against the generated Makefile?

This issue has come up several times in the past.  Yes your right autoconf would need
to be fiddled with.  There has also been some talk of doing this.  I see a 4 item
wish list in this area:

1) Cookbooks that can detect their platform, etc. (I use a poorman's method of this)

2) Make it so cook -script actually outputs some platform tests vs. just serializing the
dependcy graph walk for the development platform

3) I know Peter has a program that goes cookbook->makefile

4) Modify autogen and/or automake to divorce the DMT file output from the platform 
detection (this allows it to also use cons/scons/ant/etc.)

If anyone is willing to help out I am willing to help out also but do not want
to be the project leader.


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