[AUUG-Talk]: Re: AUUG membership - confirming email address

David Lloyd lloy0076 at adam.com.au
Tue Jan 29 00:02:14 EST 2008


> Now, IANAL, nor do I even watch them playing on TV, so unless there is
> a reasonable argument to the contrary, I would be suggesting that we
> can have our ballot by email as well as post.  Remember, all this is
> an issue *only* if the changes weren't lodged.

The reasonable argument is that the Lions Award constitutes enough money 
for people to fight over.

AUUG is dead and obviously so; the moment an incorporated association 
starts to have its constitutional basis questioned is about the time 
when it has started to die.

At the end of this sorry saga, if we can convince the commissioner 
responsible for the Act that in good faith and to the best of our 
abilities we want to wind down AUUG, then it will happen.

So all you arm chair lawyers, in my opinion - and I'm not a lawyer - we 
can shut down AUUG or we can keep it going.

It's a binary decision.

Just bloody make it.


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