[AUUG-Talk]: Unofficial summary of AUUG AGM

Lawrie Brown Lawrie.Brown at canb.auug.org.au
Thu Dec 11 09:25:47 EST 2008

Hi everyone

Just a quick informal summary of what happened at the AUUG AGM
last night, since I'm assuming there's some interest! We hope
to have the official minutes out reasonably soon.

We had (I think, I was concentrating on other things ;-) 8 members
+ 1 observer present at the meeting, with 1 member on the phone conf
and 7 proxies.

After a fair bit of discussion, all announced motions on the agenda
were approved as is. In the discussion of AUUG's future, we agreed
firstly to look at creating a new unincorporated AUUGPS to manage
AUUG's electronic assets; and also to encourage the interested LA
members to form a LA sub-committee (SIG) as another vehicle for
enabling future AUUG related/inspired activites. And we noted that
both of these, likely involving many of the same people, could
merge in future if necessary/desirable. Or not.

We also had an update on the transfer of the Lions Award funds to
the Lions Chair at UNSW, this is now well underway. Likewise the
agreement to have Google scan and preserve AUUGN's is well advanced.
Both of these will be followed through to ensure completion in the
reasonably near future.

The meeting approved votes of thanks firstly to Internode, for
their sponsoship of AUUG's internet presence for many years,
and to David Newall for stepping up to manage the AUUG website.

Lastly we discussed fees and finances. As the treasurer made very clear,
just to keep the existing AUUG Inc ticking over, not actually doing
anything, takes approx $5000/year - just in mandatory public liability
insurance, auditors fees, bank fees, & filing fees. And we are not
generating that amount of income. After juggling numbers for a while
we agreed that changing the fees would not actually address this
situation in any meaningful way. AUUG prospered previously on good
profits from the conferences, and with a much larger and more
enthusiastic memebrship. These we no longer have. Hence the need
for some alternative future form.

Thats pretty much it.

I'd like to emphasise again that this is my personal, unofficial
summary! It is not AUUG endorsed. That will come in due time.

The board will now proceed to act on the motions approved.


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