[AUUG-Talk]: AUUG Financial membership

David Keegel djk at cybersource.com.au
Tue Dec 11 16:33:48 EST 2007


If members put in credit card details on the web site before the AGM,
and then AUUG decides at the AGM to start winding up soon, would it
be reasonable not to process the $125 charge to their credit card?

I'm not really asking for myself.  (Sorry!)

I was thinking that some members may be put off from renewing
because of the risk that AUUG could be dissolved shortly.

If a few people pony up $125, but not enough for AUUG to continue,
then those people can basically kiss goodbye to their $125.

If the treasurer were to say that credit cards charges from now
won't be processed at least until after the AGM, and won't be
processed at all if the AGM decides to dissolve AUUG soon,
that would overcome a key barrier to members becoming financial.

I'm assuming that members who put in credit card details before
the AGM can be treated as (tentatively) financial for the AGM.

Sorry if I'm wasting your time.

 David Keegel <djk at cybersource.com.au>  http://www.cyber.com.au/users/djk/
 Cybersource P/L: Linux/Unix Systems Administration Consulting/Contracting

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