[AUUG-Talk]: bequests and benefactors

Christopher Vance Christopher.Vance at auug.org.au
Tue Dec 11 11:40:47 EST 2007

On Tue, Dec 11, 2007 at 11:17:08AM +1100, Peter Miller wrote:
>Linux Australia is the organisation which today represents a vibrant,
>active and engaged community promoting knowledge, understanding and
>*participation* in open source software including but not restricted
>to: the UNIX system's offspring, AND networking, AND graphics, AND user
>interfaces, AND programming environments, AND software development,
>AND open standards.  Those are the AUUG's aims, are they not?
>Just as I see no conflict in presenting a substantial donation to the
>John Lions Chair (even though it spans some but not all of our Aims),
>I also see no conflict with presenting a substantial donation to Linux
>Australia (even though it spans many but not all of our Aims).

>Should the decision be made, explicitly or by default, that the AUUG is
>to be dissolved...
>I would move that:
>if upon the dissolution of the AUUG there remains after satisfaction of
>all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever,
>(a) any liquid assets (cash on hand, term deposits, bank account
>    contents) be donated to the UNSW Lions Chair for Operating Systems;
>    and
>(b) all other tangible and intangible assets, including DNS domain
>    Names, trademarks, copyrights, computers, routers, office equipment,
>    etc, be donated to Linux Australia Inc.

The majority of AUUG's assets currently is the Lions Award account,
for encouraging student papers on Operating Systems.  I'd prefer to
see the award renamed the "John Lions AUUG Award", to keep the AUUG
name alive, and maintained separately from the Lions Chair.  Whether
the award is managed by Linux Australia, or UNSW, I don't particularly
care, but it needs academic input to assess the relative quality of
papers in a referreed sort of sense.  I wouldn't feel comfortable
rolling the Lions Award into the Lions Chair without the concurrence
or acquiescence of those who fronted up the cash in the first place.

I'd happily send LA the fax machine, laser printer, suitcase, and
boxes of old accounts...

Christopher Vance

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