[AUUG-Talk]: Constructive Ideas for AUUG

steve jenkin sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au
Fri Sep 22 08:00:25 EST 2006

This was thrown out by David (?) so why don't we respond :-)
The Collective Wisdom of the Group should be worth something - and it
may take the load of the Board who are quite overloaded...

1. Leverage what *is* working.
   - There are 2 or 3 working chapters.
     Like SAGE-AU used to do, take simple videos of the presentations
and make available on the web.  David Conran's talks provided more than
one talk for CBR.

2. Leverage the conference.
   + AUUG *always* gets world-class speakers to the conference.
     Schedule them for more than one speaking engagement - it's a great
focus for another chapter to hold a metting and their organisers to put
in a special effort...

   + and my favourite: Video all or some of the talks and make them
available *after* the event.  For the first 6 months, at a cost, then
free...  The production values don't have to be "perfect" - just good
enough.  After all, it's not a soapie.  The content is what's important.

   + I'm sure there are a number of academics who'd appreciate some of
these talks being available to show their students... Ask Dr Toomey.

3. Profit!  (oops.  That's Mikals' 3 step formula)

4. Limit the amount of work volunteer organisers undertake.
   + I tried this with the CBR group - one longer, multi-speaker event
every quarter
   + and take on limited commitments. Far better to do *2* things
brilliantly, than attempt 5, not do 2 and foul-up the others...

So in the spirit of the solicitation on this topic, I don't want people
saying what's *wrong* with these ideas and giving chapter and verse on
their faults and failings...

If you want to do that - start another thread...

So - it's over to the rest of you...
Hopefully board members, past and current, will make some useful input.
There are a lot of fine minds out there that have worked...


Steve Jenkin, Info Tech, Systems and Design Specialist.
0412 786 915 (+61 412 786 915)
PO Box 48, Kippax ACT 2615, AUSTRALIA

sjenkin at canb.auug.org.au http://www.canb.auug.org.au/~sjenkin

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