[AUUG-Talk]: Well? (AUUG2006)

Adrian Close adrian at auug.org.au
Sat Oct 14 13:56:38 EST 2006

On Fri, 13 Oct 2006, David Newall wrote:

> How did it go?  Those of us stuck in sick-beds want to know.


I'm a little biased of course, but I think the conference went well, given 
some of the factors involved.  It was definitely a more... intimate affair 
than we are used to, but it seemed to me that those who attended not only 
enjoyed themselves but got something out of it.

One thing is clear, however - we cannot afford to run another event like 
that with the level of attendance we had.  I suspect that a little less 
negative publicity and a little more (dare I say it) marketing could go a 
long way there.

The AGM was a less heated affair than it might have been - there was no 
motion to wind up the organisation, and I'm confident that even if there 
had been, it would not have been passed.  We still have a bunch of 
motivated people in AUUG (some are recover[ed/ing] burnout victims) and we 
want to make stuff happen.  (Still no takers for AUUGN editor, mind!)

Anyway, I hope you can get out of bed soon and come to the next 

Best regards,

Adrian Close
President, AUUG Inc.
tel: +61 417 346 094

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