[Talk] SCO vs. IBM - the gloves come off...

Greg 'groggy' Lehey Greg.Lehey at auug.org.au
Wed Jun 18 14:29:47 EST 2003

On Wednesday, 18 June 2003 at 14:17:08 +1000, David Purdue wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Jun 2003 david.newall at auug.org.au wrote:
>> If IBM continue distributing AIX they will do so in clear violation of
>> copyright *unless* they, IBM, can prove that SCO's termination of licence
>> was faulty.
>> IBM's legal team would be remiss if they didn't insist on immediate
>> cessation of distribution of AIX.
> Indeed, IBM claims that its licence is perpetual and irrevocable, and so
> it sees no need to stop shipping AIX.
> Add to that - according to today's AFR, SCO has sought a permanent
> injunction rather than a temporary one, which means that nothing has to
> happen until the injunction is granted, which could take years.

I can't really see a US court granting a permanent injunction based on
the evidence that SCO has shown, especially given the potential to
damage IBM's business.  On the other hand, it's not at all clear how
the injunction can help SCO, and they're going to have to prove the

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