[Talk] Network Simulater

Peter Jeremy peter.jeremy at alcatel.com.au
Wed Nov 13 07:32:10 EST 2002

On 2002-Nov-13 02:54:13 +1100, Anshul Gupta <agup13 at student.monash.edu> wrote:
>Is anyone aware of any network simulater which behaves like actual network.
>I am looking at simulater which can drop packets, introduce delays, corrupt
>the data etc.

FreeBSD (www.freebsd.org) includes a 'dummynet' device which can drop
packets, introduce delays and restrict bandwidth.  It can't corrupt
data packets - though there's no reason why you couldn't add this

There are various references to it and its use in
http://info.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/research.html and the man pages are


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