[Cook] Cook distributed build with load-balancing system

Ryan Thompson ryan at flamtap.org
Thu Sep 4 04:26:06 EST 2008

I am interested in using the "virtual machine" ability to run a parallel
build in our batch compute environment (Platform LSF, similar to Sun Grid,

Since this is not rsh or ssh I am not sure how it will work. I think I can
point the parallel_rsh variable to a script which does the job submission
(similar to using cook_rsh), but I am concerned by this paragraph in

"The exit status of the remote command is not reported in the exit status of
the rsh(1) command. There are internal contortions used by Cook to obtain
the exit status;"

Can you provide more information on what Cook will look for to determine the
exit status of the command named in "parallel_rsh"?

-Ryan Thompson
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