[Cook] Query about file system timestamp granularity

Scott Finneran scottf at pacom.com
Thu Jun 7 14:25:40 EST 2007

A (hopefully) quick question about the correct operation of the 
differing timestamp granularity values for various filesystems. Please 
correct if I'm wrong.

As I understand it, when using the "set time-adjust-back" feature, cook 
will space build targets N seconds apart by changing the modtimes, to 
preserve the output order. On most filesystems, N==1. The two exceptions 
are PRIMOS(4 seconds) and Cygwin on FAT32(2 seconds) which have other 

If this is correct, then when I run the following recipe on e.g. Cygwin, 
shouldn't the modtime of b be 2 seconds later than
the modtime of leaf?

/*********** START *************/
set time-adjust-back;
test: a b;

    cp /dev/null a;

b: leaf
    cp leaf b;

/*********** FIN *************/



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