[Cook] Escaping characters for the shell command line

Henderson, Michael D michael.d.henderson at lmco.com
Fri Jun 10 09:09:31 EST 2005

Okay, this is driving me nuts. Is there an easy way to escape arguments for the command line? I'm trying to drive the ident string for my files, but trying to figure out how to escape this string is driving me nuts.

  Project = foo;
  Ver = 0.0.0;
  cpp_flags = -DPKG_IDENT\=\"\\\"\\n@(#)[Project]-[Ver] \\\" __FILE__ \\\"  \\\" __DATE__ \\\" \\\" __TIME__\\\"\\n\\\"\";

It took me about 15 minutes to plug through this, using trial and error. Is there a simpler way to do this?

If you want a sample ident.cpp, try a file with just the following in it

  static const char *myIdent = PKG_IDENT;


The lazy brown duck chased the quick green fox across the pasture and into the tree by the fence, then ate a grilled onion sandwich (on rye, of course).

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