[Cook] Aborting a cook invocation

Jody Hagins jody at atdesk.com
Thu Jun 12 04:52:54 EST 2003

On Wed, 11 Jun 2003 14:47:57 -0400
Jody Hagins <jody at atdesk.com> wrote:

> However, this does not exit cook.  Instead, it prints the error
> message, then continues processing...

Let me rephrase that.  It exits, but says it is exiting because of the
next statement, which is a bit misleading.  Is there a way to get it to
fail, but not say the error comes from the following line?

Jody Hagins

If you give Congress a chance to vote on both sides of an issue, it
will always do it.
		-- Les Aspin, D., Wisconsin

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