[Cook] multiple respitories

Aryeh M. Friedman aryeh at m-net.arbornet.org
Tue Jun 10 10:45:43 EST 2003

This may be more of a aegis then a cook question but here we go.  If I have multiple layered
branching (i.e. see my last post to aegis-users) whould I cause any problems if I constructed
my search_list the following way (psedo-code):

dir_name = ;
search_list = ;

loop dir = [split "." [project]]
	dir_name = [dir_name].[dir];
	search_list = [dir_name] [search_list];

then do something like:

[resolve ack/foo] 

and it will return the most "recent" version of ack/foo, namely we are in myprog. but ack/foo
has not been modifed since 0.0 [i.e. it only exists in myprog.0's baseline] it will use that version
but if it was modified in we use the copy in 0.1.8's baseline.


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