[Cook] cook not noticing changes.
Robin Lee Powell
rlpowell at digitalkingdom.org
Tue Jan 7 04:58:22 EST 2003
I'm having a problem using cook under aegis where, when doing the
integration, some of the targets that need to get updated are not being
updated, thus causing tests to file. Instead of the target actually
getting evaluated, the target file's time is simply updated.
The targets in question map to simple file-copy commands.
Which files don't get copied seems to be fairly random.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, as this seems to be happening to
me a lot lately.
Output of aegis integration attempt:
- ---------------------------------------------
rlpowell at chain> aeib 57
aegis: project "moz.1.0": change 57: link baseline to integration directory
aegis: project "moz.1.0": change 57: apply change to integration directory
aegis: logging to /home/moz/moz/branch.1/branch.0/delta31045.031/aegis.log
aegis: project "moz.1.0": change 57: integrate begin complete
rlpowell at chain> aeb
aegis: appending log to /home/moz/moz/branch.1/branch.0/delta31045.031/aegis.log
aegis: project "moz.1.0": change 57: integration build started
aegis: user "moz", group "users"
aegis: cook -book Howto.cook search_path=/home/moz/moz/branch.1/branch.0/delta31045.031:/home/moz/moz/branch.1/baseline:/home/moz/
moz/baseline project=moz.1.0 change=57 version=1.0.D031 -star -no-log -action -notouch
cook: +-+-+*#
cook: adjusting "bin/moz_base/Location.class" forward 16 minutes 37 seconds
cook: echo Container.class
cook: rm -f bin/moz_base/Container.class
cook: cp -p src/moz_base/Container.class bin/moz_base/Container.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Container.class
cook: adjusting "bin/moz_base/Container.class" back 45 minutes 55 seconds
cook: rm bin/moz_base/Player.class
cook: echo Player.class
cook: rm -f bin/moz_base/Player.class
cook: cp -p src/moz_base/Player.class bin/moz_base/Player.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Player.class
cook: adjusting "bin/moz_base/Player.class" forward 1 seconds
cook: adjusting "docs/design.info" forward 16 minutes 37 seconds
cook: adjusting "docs/design.html" forward 16 minutes 37 seconds
cook: adjusting "docs/design.pdf" forward 16 minutes 37 seconds
cook: adjusting "bin/moz_base/Thing.class" forward 16 minutes 37 seconds
cook: echo Located.class
cook: rm -f bin/moz_base/Located.class
cook: cp -p src/moz_base/Located.class bin/moz_base/Located.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Located.class
cook: adjusting "bin/moz_base/Located.class" back 45 minutes 55 seconds
cook: rm moz.1.0.ae
cook: aedist --send --entire-source -p moz.1.0 -c 57 -ndh -naa -o moz.1.0.ae
cook: @
aegis: project "moz.1.0": change 57: integration build complete
rlpowell at chain> ael cf
Project "moz.1.0" Change 57
List of Change's Files
Type Action Edit File Name
------- -------- ------- -----------
source modify 9 Howto.cook
source modify 13 docs/design.texinfo
source create src/moz_base/Container.class
source create src/moz_base/Located.class
source modify 8 src/moz_base/Location.class
source modify 4 src/moz_base/Player.class
source modify 4 src/moz_base/Thing.class
test modify 7 test/00/t0007a.sh
source modify 7 test/00/t0007a1.oz
rlpowell at chain> diff src/moz_base/Thing.class bin/moz_base/Thing.class
< Thing = class $ from Located
> Thing = class $ from Location
< exports: Located.exports
> exports: Location.exports
< Located.methodList
> Location.methodList
< Located, InitHead
> Location, InitHead
- ---------------------------------------------
Relevant cook file sections:
- ---------------------------------------------
class_obj =
[subst src/ bin/ [filter src/moz_base/%0%.class [source_files]]];
all: bin/moz_base/moz bin/moz_base/new_moz [ozf_obj] [class_obj] [addprefix "docs/" [docs]] [project].ae;
bin/moz_base/%.class: [resolve src/moz_base/%.class]
echo %.class;
rm -f bin/moz_base/%.class;
cp -p [resolve src/moz_base/%.class] bin/moz_base/%.class;
chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/%.class;
- ---------------------------------------------
http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/ *** I'm a *male* Robin.
.i le pamoi velru'e zo'u jmaji le plibu taxfu
.i le remoi velru'e zo'u mo .i le cimoi velru'e zo'u ba'e prali .uisai
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