[Cook] set fingerprint; bug?

Robin Lee Powell rlpowell at digitalkingdom.org
Sat Feb 1 05:03:26 EST 2003

I'm getting some very odd behaviour in cook.  Having made a very small change
to a file, I get:

rlpowell at chain> cat docs/.cook.fp | grep \" | head -2
"programmers_guide.texinfo" = { 1044035765 1044035765 1044035745
"A58HaklqzKYEV70lzLq6e0mhEVo6N03pxZB0djAUbeMkEfeWoQnNPqyic97qZYJ80JknQe0D44rg" }

rlpowell at chain> cookfp docs/programmers_guide.texinfo
rOLcJ1Uj1JAxGWte8Exg2mAhShkFZ0qHq3h00xGNV:kWl.SlaPeTTcgFqo7mM.ii0FaOog0V2NQE    docs/programmers_guide.texinfo
rlpowell at chain> aeb                                                                                                  ~/moz.1.0.C064
aegis: logging to /home/rlpowell/moz.1.0.C064/aegis.log
aegis: project "moz.1.0": change 64: development build started
aegis: cook -book Howto.cook search_path=/home/rlpowell/moz.1.0.C064:/home/moz/moz/branch.1/branch.0/baseline:/home/moz/moz/branch.
        1/baseline:/home/moz/moz/baseline project=moz.1.0 change=64 version=1.0.C064 -star -no-log -action -notouch
cook: +-+-+*#
cook: mkdir /tmp/cya || echo
mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/cya': File exists

cook: cp -fr src docs test /tmp/cya || echo
cp: cannot stat `test': No such file or directory

cook: rm bin/moz_base/Location.class
cook: echo Location.class
cook: cp -p bl/src/moz_base/Location.class bin/moz_base/Location.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Location.class
cook: bin/moz_base/Location.class fingerprint unchanged
cook: #
cook: rm bin/moz_base/Thing.class
cook: echo Thing.class
cook: cp -p bl/src/moz_base/Thing.class bin/moz_base/Thing.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Thing.class
cook: bin/moz_base/Thing.class fingerprint unchanged
cook: rm bin/moz_base/Mobile.class
cook: echo Mobile.class
cook: cp -p bl/src/moz_base/Mobile.class bin/moz_base/Mobile.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Mobile.class
cook: bin/moz_base/Mobile.class fingerprint unchanged
cook: rm bin/moz_base/Located.class
cook: echo Located.class
cook: cp -p bl/src/moz_base/Located.class bin/moz_base/Located.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Located.class
cook: bin/moz_base/Located.class fingerprint unchanged
cook: rm bin/moz_base/MozBase.class
cook: echo MozBase.class
cook: cp -p bl/src/moz_base/MozBase.class bin/moz_base/MozBase.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/MozBase.class
cook: bin/moz_base/MozBase.class fingerprint unchanged
cook: rm bin/moz_base/Container.class
cook: echo Container.class
cook: cp -p bl/src/moz_base/Container.class bin/moz_base/Container.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Container.class
cook: bin/moz_base/Container.class fingerprint unchanged
cook: rm bin/moz_base/Connection.class
cook: echo Connection.class
cook: cp -p bl/src/moz_base/Connection.class bin/moz_base/Connection.class
cook: chmod -f u+w bin/moz_base/Connection.class
cook: bin/moz_base/Connection.class fingerprint unchanged
cook: @
aegis: project "moz.1.0": change 64: development build complete

rlpowell at chain> cat docs/.cook.fp | grep \" | head -2
"programmers_guide.texinfo" = { 1044035779 1044035779 1044035773
"rOLcJ1Uj1JAxGWte8Exg2mAhShkFZ0qHq3h00xGNV:kWl.SlaPeTTcgFqo7mM.ii0FaOog0V2NQE" }

rlpowell at chain> cookfp docs/programmers_guide.texinfo
rOLcJ1Uj1JAxGWte8Exg2mAhShkFZ0qHq3h00xGNV:kWl.SlaPeTTcgFqo7mM.ii0FaOog0V2NQE    docs/programmers_guide.texinfo

So, it appears to be ignoring the changed fingerprint and then setting it to
the new value. If I change the file again, aeb does the expected thing.

Note that I am not using set time-adjust.

All recipes that have to do with texinfo files:

docs =
        [stringset /* remove duplicates */
                [patsubst %0%.texinfo %0%.info [filter docs/%0%.texinfo [source_files]]]
                [patsubst %0%.texinfo %0%.html [filter docs/%0%.texinfo [source_files]]]
                [patsubst %0%.texinfo %0%.pdf  [filter docs/%0%.texinfo [source_files]]]

all: bin/moz_base/moz bin/moz_base/new_moz [ozf_obj] [class_obj] [docs] [project].ae cya;

%0%.info: %0%.texinfo
        single-thread %.info
        [MAKEINFO] [resolve %0%.texinfo];
        mv %.info [target] set clearstat;

%0%.html: %0%.texinfo
        single-thread %.html
        [TEXI2HTML] [resolve %0%.texinfo];
        mv %.html [target] set clearstat;
        cp [target] /home/rlpowell/www/moz/%.html set clearstat;

%0%.pdf: %0%.texinfo
        single-thread %.pdf
        [TEXI2PDF] [resolve %0%.texinfo] -o [target];
        [TEXI2PDF] [resolve %0%.texinfo] -o [target];
        rm -f *.aux  *.fn  *.log  *.pg *.tp *.cp   *.ky *.toc  *.vr set clearstat;
        cp [target] /home/rlpowell/www/moz/%.pdf set clearstat;

http://www.digitalkingdom.org/~rlpowell/    ***    I'm a *male* Robin.
.i le pamoi velru'e zo'u crepu le plibu taxfu
.i le remoi velru'e zo'u mo .i le cimoi velru'e zo'u ba'e prali .uisai
http://www.lojban.org/   ***   to sa'a cu'u lei pibyta'u cridrnoma toi

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