[Cook] Cook 2.22 Install Problems

Simon Clift ssclift at math.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Apr 23 01:48:29 EST 2003

Hi Folks,

FYI There were three problems when I was trying to build the RPM
for cook 2.22.  I was building into /usr/local, not the default
/usr in the aegis.spec file.

 1. During make install the directories


    were not automatically created by install script

 2. The RPM thinks that perl(host_lists.pl) is a required script
    (apparently from examining bin/cook_rsh) and complains, forcing
    an install using --nodeps

 3. The .txt, .dvi and .ps forms of the lsm, readme and release
    documentation files were not packaged automatically.  I had to 
    put those into the .spec file manually.

It's also not particularly clear how to use etc/spec.sh to generate
a new spec file to use a different prefix.  The etc/rpm-build.sh
seems to really want its own temporary build structure and not use
the one I do, so I really (think) I just want to use etc/spec.sh.
Perhaps someone could put some usage notes with the script.  (Same
goes for Aegis).

Other than that... I'm looking forward to using cook again.

Best regards
--- Simon

Simon Clift                        E-mail: ssclift at math.uwaterloo.ca
Ph.D. Student
Scientific Computation Group
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
N2L 3G1

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