[Cook] Two Equivalent Sets of Dependencies and Variables

Shlomi Fish shlomif at vipe.technion.ac.il
Tue Dec 31 19:08:45 EST 2002


Please take a look at:


As you can see it has some code for t2 and some code for vipe. Both codes
are identical except that in the first there is t2 and T2 (which can
easily be substituted into t2 for that matter) and in the second there is
vipe and VIPE. The code includes some variable definitions and then some

Now, this code originated from a GNU make makefile I used to generate the
site, which again contains the duplicate functionality. What I want is
that I will be able to generate the dependencies and variables for both t2
and vipe from one code. (now that I'm using cook)

I tried converting it into one cookbook with "loop host = t2 vipe"
constructs. However, since host is a variable, the dependencies generated
were eventually evaluated as vipe which is the last value given to it.
I need a way for the dependencies to persist with their original value.


	Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish        shlomif at vipe.technion.ac.il
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/

He who re-invents the wheel, understands much better how a wheel works.

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