[Cook] Non-ascii character
kwatch at lycos.jp
Thu Dec 5 00:47:55 EST 2002
Hi Cook Users,
I'm Japanese, and I want to put Japanese character
in comment of Cookbook.
But if I do, cook reports as 'illegal character'.
kwatch$ cook
/* /home/kwatch/work/cook/Howto.list */
cook: Howto.cook: 1: illegal '\306' character
cook: Howto.cook: 1: illegal '\374' character
cook: Howto.cook: 1: illegal '\313' character
cook: Howto.cook: 1: illegal '\334' character
cook: Howto.cook: 1: illegal '\270' character
cook: Howto.cook: 1: illegal '\354' character
cook: Howto.cook: found 6 fatal errors
I want to spread cook across my friends,
and it is need to support native language in comment.
Would you change cook to allow non-ascii character
in comment?
Or please tell me what file name of source code
to be changed.
(I search source codes but I coud not specify where
to change.)
Xmas限定 大切な人へメッセージを送りませんか?
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