AUUG? What's that?

Greg 'groggy' Lehey Greg.Lehey at
Tue Jul 2 17:48:20 EST 2002

In two months' time we'll be having our annual conference in
Melbourn--see for more
details.  It promises to be one of the best conferences we've had in
recent years, and I hope we'll see you there.

We're doing what we can to promote the event, but it's clear that
we're not marketeers.  Despite our best efforts, AUUG remains a
well-kept secret, even within the IT market.  What are we doing wrong?
What can we do to improve things?

One thing that I can see is that we're not communicating well, even
inside AUUG.  We don't even know who to tell about the conference.
Can you help?  Whom should we be targetting?  Do you have the energy
to convey the message?

AUUG needs your input.  Please help us tell more people about AUUG and
the annual conference.  I look forward to your feedback.

Greg Lehey
President, AUUG Inc.
See complete headers for address and phone numbers

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